Your Trusted Advisor For A Healthy Business While You Build A Healthy Community
Hey Rural Healthcare Providers!
Did You Know That Most FQHC, RHC and/or CAH Clinics & Hospitals Are Missing Out On Cash Flow Opportunities?
And you could be missing out on opportunities for increased profitability and capital improvements...
Kelly Johnston
Healthcare Consultant and  Advisor
From The Desk Of 
Kelly Johnston
Grand Junction, CO

Dear Rural Healthcare Provider,

Running a rural medical clinic is more and more challenging with balancing managed patient care, insurance reimbursement struggles, lower profit margin, while at the same time balancing staffing shortages. Can you relate to this?

Everyday you are making hundreds of decisions about utilization of your team and finances to make sure that you are taking care of your bottom line. But, do you really have the time to delve into these issues while taking care of your patients? 

What if you could have this information at your fingertips and a support system to find solutions?

What about balancing increased costs of patient care and reduced Medicare reimbursement rates? 

JFS, LLC has the solution for you.

That's why I decided to write my latest book...
7 Gap Funding Solutions
How Rural Healthcare Providers, FQHC's, and CAH's Can Achieve Profitability and Increase Patient Volumes
Download Your Free Copy Of My Book To See Where You Are Missing Out of Profitability and Cash Flow!
Here's what you'll discover inside:
  • How to maximize payment for excellent patient care.
  • How to maximize outside funding sources, such as grants, to cover current programs.
  • ​How to budget and pay for capital improvements.
  • ​How to get involved with your medical billing and the impacts that this has on your profitability.
  • ​And much, much more!
Now Is The Time To Take Control 
Of Your Finances And Your Future!
Download Your Free Copy Of My Book Today...
7 Gap Funding Solutions
How Rural Healthcare Providers, FQHC's, and CAH's Can Achieve Profitability and Increase Patient Volumes
I want to make sure you download your free copy of this book because it will show you 7 Gap Funding Solutions that can create the profitability and cash flow to achieve your business goals...

So just click on the blue button above, enter your name and email address, and you'll get the pdf copy of the book in your inbox within minutes. 

Talk soon,
Kelly Johnston
Your Trusted Advisor For A Healthy Business While You Build A Healthy Community
Hey Rural Healthcare Providers!
Did You Know That 
Most Organizations Listed As FQHC, RHC and/or CAH Healthcare Clinics & Hospitals Are Missing Out On Cash Flow Opportunities?
And you could be missing out on opportunities for increased profitability and capital improvements...
Kelly Johnston
Healthcare Consultant and Advisor
From The Desk Of 
Kelly Johnston
Grand Junction, CO

Dear Rural Healthcare Provider,

Running a rural medical clinic is more and more challenging with balancing managed patient care, insurance reimbursement struggles, lower profit margin, while at the same time balancing staffing shortages. Can you relate to this?

Everyday you are making hundreds of decisions about utilization of your team and finances to make sure that you are taking care of your bottom line. But, do you really have the time to delve into these issues while taking care of your patients? 

What if you could have this information at your fingertips and a support system to find solutions?

What about balancing increased costs of patient care and reduced Medicare reimbursement rates? 

JFS, LLC has the solution for you.

That's why I decided to write my latest book...
7 Gap Funding Solutions
How Rural Healthcare Providers, FQHC's, and CAH's Can Achieve Profitability and Increase Patient Volumes
Download Your Free Copy Of My Book To See Where You Are Missing Out of Profitability and Cash Flow!
Here's what you'll 
discover inside:
  • How to maximize payment for excellent patient care.
  • How to maximize outside funding sources, such as grants, to cover current programs.
  • ​How to budget and pay for capital improvements.
  • ​How to get involved with your medical billing and the impacts that this has on your profitability.
  • ​And much, much more!
Now Is The Time To Take Control Of Your Finances And Your Future!
Download Your Free Copy 
Of My Book Today...
7 Gap Funding Solutions
How Rural Healthcare Providers, FQHC's, and CAH's Can Achieve Profitability and Increase Patient Volumes
I want to make sure you download your free copy of this book because it will show you 7 Gap Funding Solutions that can create the profitability and cash flow to achieve your business goals...

So just click on the blue button above, enter your name and email address, and you'll get the pdf copy of the book in your inbox within minutes. 

Talk soon,
Kelly Johnston
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